Titel der Veröffentlichung / des Vortrages
2024 |
Dr. Matthias Kluge |
MPE, Garching |
The Exploration of the Optical Low-Surface-Brightness Universe |
2023 |
Dr. Dominika Wylezalek |
Universität Heidelberg |
Tracing AGN feedback across cosmic time and from small to large scales |
2022 |
Dr. Thomas Siegert |
JMU Würzburg |
Positron annihilation as an astrophysical messenger |
2021 |
Dr. Fabian Schneider |
Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies |
Turbulent Lives of Stars |
2020 |
Dr. Paola Pinilla |
MPIA, Heidelberg |
First steps of planet formation in the ALMA and JWST era |
2019 |
Dr. Eduardo Bañados |
MPIA, Heidelberg |
The birth of the first massive galaxies and black holes |
2018 |
Dr. Else Starkenburg |
AIP, Potsdam |
Galactic archaeology to its limits |
2017 |
Dr. Diederik Kruijssen |
ARI, ZAH Heidelberg |
The Physics driving the Molecular Cloud Lifecycle during Galaxy Formation and Evolution |
2016 |
Dr. Karin Lind |
MPIA, Heidelberg |
Galactic Archaeology with very metal-poor stars |
2015 |
Dr. Ivan Minchev |
AIP, Potsdam |
Constraining the Milky Way assembly history with Galactic Archaeology |
RMA 28, 2 AN Vol. 337, 703 (2016)  |
2014 |
Dr. Stephan Geier |
ESO, Garching |
Hot subdwarfs: Small stars marking important events in stellar
RMA 27, 2 AN Vol. 336, 437 (2015)  |
2013 |
Dr. Frank Bigiel |
ZAH, Heidelberg |
The interstellar medium and star formation in nearby galaxies |
RMA 26, 2 AN Vol. 335, 470 (2014)  |
2012 |
Dr. Cecilia Scannapieco |
AIP, Potsdam |
Cosmological simulations of galaxy formation: Successes and challenges in the era of supercomputers
RMA 25, 2 AN Vol. 334, 499 (2013)  |
2011 |
Dr. Thorsten Lisker |
ZAH, Heidelberg |
Dwarf galaxies in observed and simulated galaxy clusters
RMA 24, 2 AN Vol. 333, 405 (2012)  |
Dr. Maryam Modjaz |
UC Berkeley (CA, USA) |
Stellar Forensics with the Supernova-GRB Connection |
RMA 23, 11 (2011) |
Dr. Anna Frebel |
Cambridge (MA, USA) |
Stellar archaeology: Exploring the Universe with Metal-poor stars |
RMA 22, 53 (2010) |
Dr. Sonja Schuh |
Göttingen |
Pulsations and planets: The asteroseismology-extrasolar-planet Connection |
RMA 22, 29 (2010) |
Dr. Andreas Koch |
Los Angeles (CA, USA) |
Complexity in Small-scale Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxies |
RMA 21, 39 (2009) |
Dr. Henrik Beuther |
MPIA, Heidelberg |
Massive Star Formation: The Power of Interferometry |
RMA 20, 15 (2008) |
Dr. Ansgar Reiners |
Universität,Göttingen |
At the Bottom of the Main Sequence: Activity and Magnetic Fields Beyond the Threshold to Complete Convection |
RMA 20, 41 (2008) |
Dr. Philipp Richter |
Argelander-Institut, Bonn |
High-Velocity Clouds and the Local Intergalactic Medium |
RMA 19, 31 (2006) |
Dr. Falk Herwig |
Los Alamos (NM, USA) |
The Second Stars |
RMA 18, 21 (2005) |
Dr. Luis R. Bellot Rubio |
Freiburg |
Sunspots as seen in Polarized Light |
RMA 17, 21 (2004) |
Dr. Ralf Klessen |
AIP, Potsdam |
Star Formation in Turbulent Interstellar Gas |
RMA 16, 23 (2003) |
Dr. Stefanie Komossa |
MPE, Garching |
X-ray Evidence for Supermassive Black Holes at the Centers of Nearby, Non-active Galaxies |
RMA 15, 27 (2002) |
Dr. Heino Falcke |
MPIfR, Bonn |
The Silent Majority - Jets and Radio Cores from Low-Luminosity Black Holes |
RMA 14, 15 (2001)  |
Dr. Markus Kissler-Patig |
ESO, Garching |
Extragalactic Globular Cluster Systems: A new Perspective on Galaxy Formation and Evolution |
RMA 13, 13 (2000)  |
Dr. Ralph Neuhäuser |
MPE, Garching |
The Spatial Distribution and Origin of the Widely Dispersed ROSAT T Tauri Stars |
RMA 12, 27 (1999)  |
Dr. Ralf Napiwotzki |
Dr. Remeis-Sternwarte, Bamberg |
From Central Stars of Planetary Nebulae to White Dwarfs |
RMA 11, 3 (1998)  |
Dr. Eva K. Grebel |
Universität Würzburg |
Star Formation Histories of Local Group Dwarf Galaxies |
RMA 10, 29 (1997)  |
Dr. Matthias L. Bartelmann |
Garching |
On Arcs in X-ray Clusters |
RMA 10, 61 (1997)  |
Dr. Karl Mannheim |
Göttingen |
Gamma Rays from Compact Objects |
RMA 9, 18 (1996)  |
Dr. Christoph U. Keller |
Tucson (AZ, USA) |
Properties of solar magnetic fields from speckle polarimetry |
RMA 8, 27 (1995)  |
Dr. Andreas Burkert |
MPA, Garching |
On the Formation of Elliptical Galaxies |
RMA 7, 191 (1994)  |
Dr. Joachim Puls |
Universität München |
Radiation driven winds of Hot Stars - some remarks on stationary models and spectrum synthesis in time-dependent simulations |
RMA 6, 271 (1993)  |
Dr. Reinhard W. Hanuschik |
Ruhr-Universität Bochum |
The Expanding Envelope of Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud |
RMA 4, 233 (1991)  |
Dr. Norbert Langer |
Universitäts-Sternwarte Göttingen |
Evolution of Massive Stars |
RMA 2, 306 (1989)  |