Recipients of the Ludwig Biermann Award

Title of Publication
2024 Dr. Matthias Kluge MPE, Garching The Exploration of the Optical Low-Surface-Brightness Universe
2023 Dr. Dominika Wylezalek Universität Heidelberg Tracing AGN feedback across cosmic time and from small to large scales
2022 Dr. Thomas Siegert JMU Würzburg Positron annihilation as an astrophysical messenger
2021 Dr. Fabian Schneider Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies Turbulent Lives of Stars
2020 Dr. Paola Pinilla MPIA, Heidelberg First steps of planet formation in the ALMA and JWST era
2019 Dr. Eduardo Bañados MPIA, Heidelberg The birth of the first massive galaxies and black holes
2018 Dr. Else Starkenburg AIP, Potsdam Galactic archaeology to its limits
2017 Dr. Diederik Kruijssen ARI, ZAH Heidelberg The Physics driving the Molecular Cloud Lifecycle during Galaxy Formation and Evolution
2016 Dr. Karin Lind MPIA, Heidelberg Galactic Archaeology with very metal-poor stars
2015 Dr. Ivan Minchev AIP, Potsdam Constraining the Milky Way assembly history with Galactic Archaeology RMA 28, 2
AN Vol. 337, 703 (2016)
2014 Dr. Stephan Geier ESO, Garching
Hot subdwarfs: Small stars marking important events in stellar evolution
RMA 27, 2
AN Vol. 336, 437 (2015)
2013 Dr. Frank Bigiel ZAH, Heidelberg The interstellar medium and star formation in nearby galaxies RMA 26, 2
AN Vol. 335, 470 (2014)
2012 Dr. Cecilia Scannapieco AIP, Potsdam
Cosmological simulations of galaxy formation: Successes and challenges in the era of supercomputers
RMA 25, 2
AN Vol. 334, 499 (2013)
2011 Dr. Thorsten Lisker ZAH, Heidelberg
Dwarf galaxies in observed and simulated galaxy clusters
RMA 24, 2
AN Vol. 333, 405 (2012)
Dr. Maryam Modjaz UC Berkeley (CA, USA) Stellar Forensics with the Supernova-GRB Connection RMA 23, 11 (2011)
Dr. Anna Frebel Cambridge (MA, USA) Stellar archaeology: Exploring the Universe with Metal-poor stars RMA 22, 53 (2010)
Dr. Sonja Schuh Goettingen Pulsations and planets: The asteroseismology-extrasolar-planet Connection RMA 22, 29 (2010)
Dr. Andreas Koch Los Angeles (CA, USA) Complexity in Small-scale Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxies RMA 21, 39 (2009)
Dr. Henrik Beuther MPIA, Heidelberg Massive Star Formation: The Power of Interferometry RMA 20, 15 (2008)
Dr. Ansgar Reiners Universität Göttingen At the Bottom of the Main Sequence: Activity and Magnetic Fields Beyond the Threshold to Complete Convection RMA 20, 41 (2008)
Dr. Philipp Richter Argelander-Institut, Bonn High-Velocity Clouds and the Local Intergalactic Medium RMA 19, 31 (2006)
Dr. Falk Herwig Los Alamos (NM, USA) The Second Stars RMA 18, 21 (2005)
Dr. Luis R. Bellot Rubio Freiburg Sunspots as seen in Polarized Light RMA 17, 21 (2004)
Dr. Ralf Klessen Potsdam Star Formation in Turbulent Interstellar Gas RMA 16, 23 (2003)
Dr. Stefanie Komossa MPE, Garching X-ray Evidence for Supermassive Black Holes at the Centers of Nearby, Non-active Galaxies RMA 15, 27 (2002)
Dr. Heino Falcke MPIfR, Bonn The Silent Majority - Jets and Radio Cores from Low-Luminosity Black Holes RMA 14, 15 (2001)PDF
Dr. Markus Kissler-Patig ESO, Garching Extragalactic Globular Cluster Systems: A new Perspective on Galaxy Formation and Evolution RMA 13, 13 (2000)PDF
Dr. Ralph Neuhäuser MPE, Garching The Spatial Distribution and Origin of the Widely Dispersed ROSAT T Tauri Stars RMA 12, 27 (1999)PDF
Dr. Ralf Napiwotzki Dr. Remeis-Sternwarte, Bamberg From Central Stars of Planetary Nebulae to White Dwarfs RMA 11, 3 (1998)PDF
Dr. Eva K. Grebel Universität Würzburg Star Formation Histories of Local Group Dwarf Galaxies RMA 10, 29 (1997)PDF
Dr. Matthias L. Bartelmann Garching On Arcs in X-ray Clusters RMA 10, 61 (1997)PDF
Dr. Karl Mannheim Goettingen Gamma Rays from Compact Objects RMA 9, 18 (1996)PDF
Dr. Christoph U. Keller Tucson (AZ, USA) Properties of solar magnetic fields from speckle polarimetry RMA 8, 27 (1995)PDF
Dr. Andreas Burkert MPA, Garching On the Formation of Elliptical Galaxies RMA 7, 191 (1994)PDF
Dr. Joachim Puls Universität München Radiation driven winds of Hot Stars - some remarks on stationary models and spectrum synthesis in time-dependent simulations RMA 6, 271 (1993)PDF
Dr. Reinhard W. Hanuschik Ruhr-Universität Bochum The Expanding Envelope of Supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud RMA 4, 233 (1991)PDF
Dr. Norbert Langer Universitäts-Sternwarte Göttingen Evolution of Massive Stars RMA 2, 306 (1989)PDF